$337.50 USD

4 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Jillina's Maui Retreat Refund and Cancellation Policy
We will do our best accommodate changes in travel plans up until 60 days before the event. If there is another government shutdown restricting travel or a catastrophic emergency on the island or with the host a full refund will be given. Otherwise we have a strict 60 day notice of cancellation in order to work out a transfer of retreat ticket or refund.

There are no refunds or discounts for arriving late, leaving early, flight cancellations, travel delays, illness or change in plans.  We highly recommend arriving in Maui at least 24 hours in advanced to settle in and have some time incase of any unforeseen delays. 

If you need to cancel we require a minimum of 60 days notice, no exceptions.  We can offer a future spot in the next annual retreat or try to find a waiting list dancer if possible if we have enough notice and offer a refund.  60 days before the event we will NO LONGER OFFER ANY REFUNDS.  

We highly recommend you get trip insurance to protect yourself for your trip. We’ve had people be unable to attend due to injuries, bad weather closing airports, passport issues, etc. In many cases, the travel insurance will reimburse you for your expenses including the retreat tuition for last minute cancellations.

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Jillina's Maui Dance Retreat: Jan 16-20: Payment Plan

Jillina’s Maui Dance Retreat

“Professional Development | Creative Exploration”

January 16-20, 2025
Maui, HI - USA

Join Jillina Carlano, Artistic Director and Luna Poumian Co-Director of Bellydance Evolution, in breathtaking MAUI for this five-day dance intensive.

Prepare to dig deep and push yourself to the next level as Jillina and her team guide you through dance technique, choreography, improvisation, and individual performance feedback all with the magic healing properties only Hawaii can offer.

For four days you will immerse yourself in:

  1. Daily, in-depth warm-up and conditioning exercises

  2. Bellydance technique, drills, and combinations

  3. Challenging solo & group choreography

  4. Solo performance feedback (Please bring a 3-minute solo choreography to perform for the class)

If that isn’t enough, you will:

  1. Find yourself among breathtaking ocean views.

  2. Be nourished by homemade, delicious and healthy gourmet vegetarian meals.

  3. Celebrate at an authentic Lu'au dinner and show. (included)

  4.  Get a professional photoshoot
  5. Showcase yourself in the closing Hafla.